Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Summer Shorts #4 Show Notes
Host: Warren Lamb
Guest: Isabella Ruiz
Isabella Ruiz, an elementary school counselor living in Kazakhstan, shares her experience with Truth in Love. She also serves as the Social Media Manager for Truth in Love. She was drawn to the organization through being recommended she find a mentor when she was at Calvary Chapel University and was impressed by the resources and community it offered.
Being part of Truth in Love has provided her with valuable resources and a richer understanding of biblical counseling. She appreciates how Truth in Love is deeply rooted in biblical principles and emphasizes speaking the truth in love.
The community aspect of Truth in Love, with monthly meetings and “Team connects”, sets it apart from other organizations. Isabella is grateful for the impact Truth in Love has had on her life and the international community.
Truth in Love provides valuable resources and a deeper understanding of biblical counseling.
The organization is deeply rooted in biblical principles and emphasizes speaking the truth in love.
The community aspect of Truth in Love, with monthly meetings and team connects, sets it apart from other organizations.
Isabella is grateful for the impact Truth in Love has had on her life and the international community.
Sound Bites
"How can my life be transformed? Only by God's strength."
"Community is another thing that I haven't seen in a lot of organizations."
"Truth in Love has resources as a counselor, but also someone that needs discipleship."
Additional Resources
Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (tilbcc.com)
Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC Discipling Curriculum)
Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb – pastorlamb.com)
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Summer Shorts #3 Show Notes
Host: Jinda Reinig
Guest: Pastor Rick Amaro
In this podcast episode, Rick Amaro, a pastor and counselor, discusses his journey with Truth in Love, a fellowship dedicated to providing comprehensive training and support for those in the biblical counseling field. Pastor Rick was initially attracted to the organization due to its extensive educational program and the opportunity for continued mentorship, which he felt was essential for his development as a counselor.
Through his involvement with Truth in Love, Pastor Rick has found a tight-knit community that offers ongoing guidance and support, significantly contributing to his personal and professional growth. He highlights the fellowship's distinct characteristics, including its unwavering dedication to the completeness of biblical teachings, the focus on fostering strong interpersonal relationships, and the demanding curriculum that equips counselors to handle challenging situations effectively.
Rick Amaro encourages fellow believers who feel a calling to support others to consider joining Truth in Love and receiving training in counseling techniques firmly rooted in the Bible and biblical principles.
Additional Resources
Relevant Links
Calvary Chapel Fayetteville (Pastor Rick Amaro)
Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center
Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ
Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb)
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Summer Shorts #2 Show Notes
Guest: Dr. Warren Lamb
Topic: Finding Hope in Suffering
People often come to us from a place of suffering, seeking help and support. The God of all grace, as mentioned in 1 Peter 5:10-11, promises to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us after we have suffered for a little while. Our God is intimately acquainted with our pain and sorrow, having experienced suffering himself through Jesus Christ. Suffering becomes a crucible that tempers and strengthens us, transforming our pain into purpose and weakness into strength. God's grace knows no bounds and transcends our understanding, restoring and transforming us. We are called to God's eternal glory in Christ, which far surpasses any temporal trial. We are not alone in our suffering; God walks alongside us, sustains us, and leads us through to our ultimate destination.
People often come to us from a place of suffering, seeking help and support.
God promises to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us after we have suffered for a little while.
Suffering becomes a crucible that tempers and strengthens us, transforming our pain into purpose and weakness into strength.
God's grace knows no bounds and transcends our understanding, restoring and transforming us.
We are called to God's eternal glory in Christ, which far surpasses any temporal trial.
We are not alone in our suffering; God walks alongside us, sustains us, and leads us through to our ultimate destination.
Scripture Mentioned
1 Peter 5:10-11
Ephesians 1:18-20
2 Corinthians 12:9
“The suffering that you're enduring is temporary. In the grand scheme of eternity, it is just a little while."
Relevant Links
Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center
Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC)
Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb)
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
Summer Shorts #1 Show Notes
Guest: Dr. Warren Lamb
Topic: Scripture Saturation
This episode is the first in our “Summer Shorts” series. Today we explore the concept of neuroplasticity and its connection to renewing the mind with God's Word. We emphasize the importance of saturating our minds with the truth and replacing wrong beliefs and unhealthy behaviors with Christ-centered patterns. The discussion highlights the power of Scripture in transforming lives and breaking free from bondage. It also addresses the role of emotions and the need to align them with the truth. The conversation concludes with the reminder that what we focus on, saturate on, believe, and live determines the trajectory of our lives.
Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize and restructure itself throughout life.
Saturating our minds with God's Word is a powerful tool for transformation and breaking free from negative beliefs and behaviors.
What we focus on, saturate on, believe, and live determines the trajectory of our lives.
Emotions should not be in the driver's seat of our lives; we need to align them with the truth.
Renewing the mind with Scripture is a partnership between our intentional effort and the transformative work of the Holy Spirit.
Saturating our minds with the truth replaces negative patterns with Christ-centered patterns.
The truth sets us free and brings life and peace.
Feeding the soul with Scripture should be as second-nature as feeding our bodies.
Scripture saturation can lead to transformation and the restoration of hope and healthy relationships.
Scripture Mentioned
Romans 12:2
Psalm 1
John 15:3
Ephesians 5:26
Matthew 11:28-30
John 8:31-32; 36
Mark 7:20-23
Romans 8:6
“To be a lover and pursuer of Christ is to be a lover and pursuer of the truth no matter where it leads and no matter the cost.”
Additional Resources
Relevant Links
Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center
Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (TILBCC)
Dane Ortlund’s “Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers”
Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb)
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Episode #13 Show Notes
Hosts: Jinda Reinig and Kimberly Willess
Guest: Dr. Warren Lamb
Topic: Domestic Oppression, Part 2
In the second part of the podcast series on domestic oppression, Warren Lamb shares his personal story of growing up in a home filled with domestic oppression and abuse. He opens up about the profound impact this experience had on his life and the ongoing journey of healing and transformation.
Through his book, "Behind the Veil," Dr. Lamb aims to give a voice to the voiceless, provide a framework for understanding and addressing domestic oppression, and equip caregivers with the tools to help the wounded and broken.
Dr. Lamb emphasizes the crucial role of key character traits, such as a contrite heart, humility, teachability, purposefulness, and honesty, in the process of redemption and healing. He also sheds light on the challenges faced by the biblical counseling community in addressing domestic oppression and the pressing need for education and awareness within the church.
This powerful podcast closes out Season 1 of The Soul Care Podcast and serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of healing and redemption through authentic biblical soul care.
Domestic oppressors operate systematically, using tactics similar to sexual predators.
The oppressor camouflages their true self and meets the deep emotional needs of their target.
Recognizing the signs of deception is crucial in preventing and addressing domestic oppression.
Changing the heart of an oppressor is rare, but counseling can help oppressed individuals find healing and restoration. Growing up in a home filled with domestic oppression and abuse can have a profound impact on a person's life.
Key character traits such as contrite heart, humility, teachability, purposefulness, and honesty are essential for genuine transformation and healing.
The biblical counseling community faces challenges in addressing domestic oppression, and there is a need for education and awareness within the church.
Warren Lamb's book, 'Behind the Veil,' aims to give voice to the voiceless, provide a framework for understanding and addressing domestic oppression, and equip caregivers to help the wounded and broken.
Scripture Mentioned
Galatians 6:1
Ezekiel 34:1-10
1 Corinthians 5:11
“Regarding oppression and abuse: There is no Switzerland; no neutral territory.”
Additional Resources
Behind the Veil: Exposing the Evil of Domestic Oppression and Providing Hope (Dr. Warren Lamb)
A Cry for Justice: How the Evil of Domestic Abuse Hides in Your Church (Jeff Crippen and Anna Wood)
The Heart of Domestic Abuse: Gospel Solutions for men who use control and violence in the home (Pastor Chris Moles)
When Home Hurts: A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church (Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson)
37 WAYS TO BE TAKEN CAPTIVE: Warning Signs and Prevention for Destructive Relationships (Sydney Millage)
A Biblical Counselor's Approach to Marital Abuse: Roadmap to Reunification (Dr. Julie Ganschow and Bill Schlacks)
Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse: A Guide toward Protection, Refuge, and Hope (Chris Moles, editor)
Truth in Love Biblical Counseling (Biblical counseling ministry team of Dr. Warren Lamb)
Reigning Grace Biblical Counseling (Biblical counseling ministry team of Dr. Julie Ganschow)
Called to Peace (Hope and healing for victims of domestic abuse)
Clarity in Action Ministries (Equipping churches for ministering to abuse survivors)
Men of Peace (Ministry of Pastor Chris Moles to help abusers repent and be transformed)
Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb))
Biblical Counseling for Women (Dr. Julie Ganschow et al.)
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Episode #12 Show Notes
Host: Jinda Reinig and Kimberly Willess
Guest: Dr. Warren Lamb
Topic: Domestic Oppression, Part 1
Domestic oppression is the "seedbed that all other forms of abuse grow out of," according to Dr. Lamb. In this episode, he discusses his book, "Behind the Veil: Exposing the Evil of Domestic Oppression and Providing Hope." In it, he draws from his extensive experience in providing biblical counseling and soul care to thousands of survivors of domestic oppression and violence.
Domestic oppression is a form of abuse that underlies and creates an environment for domestic abuse and other forms of abuse to occur.
The church often fails to recognize and address domestic oppression, leading to the protection of the oppressor.
The prevalence of domestic oppression within the church is staggering, with statistics showing that a majority of churchgoers have either experienced or witnessed it during their lifetime.
Proper theology and understanding of biblical principles are crucial in addressing domestic oppression and providing hope for those affected.
Creating a safe and open environment within the church is essential for individuals to come forward and seek help. There is hope for individuals and families dealing with domestic oppression as more pastors, elders, and biblical counselors are addressing this issue and providing specialized counseling and guidance.
True repentance involves taking full responsibility for one's actions without seeking anything in return, including forgiveness.
There are resources, counseling ministries, and organizations available for individuals and families seeking help.
Scripture Mentioned
John 13:34-35
Luke 4:18
Ezekiel 34:1-10
Ephesians 4:32
“Apology making is not forgiveness seeking.”
Additional Resources
Behind the Veil: Exposing the Evil of Domestic Oppression and Providing Hope (Dr. Warren Lamb)
A Cry for Justice: How the Evil of Domestic Abuse Hides in Your Church (Jeff Crippen and Anna Wood)
The Heart of Domestic Abuse: Gospel Solutions for men who use control and violence in the home (Pastor Chris Moles)
When Home Hurts: A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church (Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson)
37 WAYS TO BE TAKEN CAPTIVE: Warning Signs and Prevention for Destructive Relationships (Sydney Millage)
A Biblical Counselor's Approach to Marital Abuse: Roadmap to Reunification (Dr. Julie Ganschow and Bill Schlacks)
Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse: A Guide toward Protection, Refuge, and Hope (Chris Moles, editor)
Truth in Love Biblical Counseling (Biblical counseling ministry team of Dr. Warren Lamb)
Reigning Grace Biblical Counseling (Biblical counseling ministry team of Dr. Julie Ganschow)
Called to Peace (Hope and healing for victims of domestic abuse)
Clarity in Action Ministries (Equipping churches for ministering to abuse survivors)
Men of Peace (Ministry of Pastor Chris Moles to help abusers repent and be transformed)
Words Matter: Refining the Conversation (Dr. Warren Lamb))
Biblical Counseling for Women (Dr. Julie Ganschow et al.)
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Episode #11 Show Notes
Host: Kimberly Willess and Warren Lamb
Guest: Shannon McCoy
Topic: In the Aftermath of Divorce
In an engaging and introspective episode, Shannon McCoy shares her journey from a science-based career to a life dedicated to biblical counseling. Inviting listeners into her world, McCoy unravels the intersections between science, faith, and emotional healing through her personal experiences and professional counsel. The episode delves deep into the vulnerabilities of struggling with food addiction and managing the spiritual complications of a marital breakdown.
Divorce is a devastating experience that affects individuals physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
The church needs to do a better job of supporting those going through divorce and broken marriages.
Effective, biblical pre-marriage counseling is essential in preparing couples for the challenges of marriage.
Single parents need practical support and resources from the church.
It is important to acknowledge and express emotions, including anger towards God, in the healing process.
There is hope and a purpose for those who have experienced divorce.
Scripture Mentioned
John 16:33
Revelation 2:4
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Romans 5:13
“Transformation is a process, not an event.”
Additional Resources
Help! I’m a Slave to Food (Shannon McCoy)
Women Counseling Women (Elyze Fitzpatrick, Editor, Shannon McCoy, Contributing Author)
Two Truths and A Lie for The Divorced (IBCD Blog)
Biblical Counseling Coalition Blog (Articles by Shannon McCoy)
“Whole-Person Ministry” (TILBC – Truth in Love Biblical Counseling)
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Episode #10 Show Notes
Hosts: Jinda Reinig and Kimberly Willess
Guest: Dr. Warren Lamb
Topic: Bipolar Diagnosis
In this episode of the Soul Care podcast, hosts Kimberly Willis and Jinda Reinig are joined by Dr. Warren Lamb to dissect the complexities of what is known as bipolar diagnosis and disorder. The dialogue weaves through the clinical landscape, contrasting conventional treatment methods against the healing prism of biblical counseling. Here, listeners can expect to uncover insights into managing what is often perceived as an incurable condition.
The conversation delves into the criteria outlined by the DSM for diagnosing bipolar disorder and the subsequent treatments, raising questions about the effectiveness of a solely medication-based approach. Warren Lamb, offering his expertise, challenges the notion of bipolar disorder as an intrinsic part of one's identity, steering the narrative toward the power of individual belief systems and their capacity to reshape personal realities. Listeners are led on a path from clinical diagnostics to spiritual actualization, presenting a fresh perspective on managing psychological disorders.
Key Takeaways:
Bipolar diagnosis often originates from self-reported symptoms without solid scientific testing, leading to medication being prescribed based on clinical interpretation.
The DSM classification of bipolar disorder and its variations are discussed, with an emphasis on the disorder's impact on mood and behavior.
Dr. Lamb argues the significance of addressing core relational trauma and beliefs to manage and potentially overcome bipolar symptoms.
There's a discussion surrounding the potential long-term damage caused by bipolar medications, which are often used as a lifelong treatment without resolving the underlying issues.
The episode highlights biblical counseling as a hopeful and transformative alternative to traditional psychiatric methods, focusing on identity in Christ rather than diagnoses.
Notable Quotes:
"It's the pianist that determines what music the piano plays." - Warren Lamb on the relationship between the mind and the brain.
"The medical conditions are the effect, not the cause." - Warren on focusing on environmental factors in psychosis and bipolar symptoms.
"You are priceless to God. He only made one of you." - Warren Lamb stressing individual worth in the face of disorders.
"Our goal together is to deal with the underlying brokenness" - Recognizing the importance of addressing foundational issues in bipolar disorder treatment.
Scripture Mentioned
2 Corinthians 5:17
Isaiah 53:5/1 Peter 2:24
“We do healing at the speed of life.”
Additional Resources
Ministry Website: Truth in Love Biblical Counseling
Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ (Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Warren Lamb)
The Chemical Imbalance Delusion (Dr. Daniel Berger)
Words Matter: Refining the Conversation
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Episode #9 Show Notes
Host: Dr. Warren Lamb
Guest: Dr. Daniel Berger, II
Topic: The Schizophrenic Unicorn
In this episode of The Soul Care Podcast, Dr. Berger discusses his newest book, "The Schizophrenic Unicorn," which seeks to help explain the phenomenon commonly called "schizophrenia" and does so from both a clinical and a biblical perspective. He addresses common diagnoses such as major depression disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder from a biblical perspective. Dr. Berger's exemplary scholarship and dynamic approach to examining and discussing mental health diagnoses in our times make this a unique opportunity to hear him discuss these important matters with Dr. Lamb in a comfortable, understandable, and friendly manner.
A strong biblical foundation is essential in authentic biblical soul care.
Authentic biblical soul care emphasizes wisdom and truth, recognizing the inseparable connection between the two.
There are key distinctions between authentic biblical soul care and other approaches to mental health and counseling, including differences in philosophy, theology, and anthropology.
Common diagnoses such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder can be effectively addressed from a biblical perspective. Sleep deprivation and insomnia are common factors in mental health issues.
Secularism has influenced the field of mental health, but there is a growing movement towards a biblical understanding of soul care.
There is a need for more dialogue and collaboration within the biblical counseling community.
The future of biblical soul care lies in equipping and training others to provide hope and help to those in need.
True repentance involves taking full responsibility for one's actions without seeking anything in return, including forgiveness.
There are resources, counseling ministries, and organizations available for individuals and families seeking help.
Scripture Mentioned
Proverbs 19:20
Proverbs 1:8
Ephesians 6:4
Titus 2: 3, 11-12
Proverbs 4:3 (ff)
Proverbs 23:29-34
Philippians 4:1-3
James 1:2-3
Additional Resources
Dr. Berger’s Website Dr Daniel Berger
RECOMMENDED BOOKS (A few of our favorites from Dr. Berger’s titles)
The Schizophrenic Unicorn: Understanding the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, The Centrality of Sleep, the Biopsychosocial Diagnostic Model of Mental ... a Practical and Proven Alternative Approach
Suicidal Ideation: A Biblical Perspective for Counselors
Saving Abnormal: The Disorder of Psychiatric Genetics
Rethinking Depression: Not a Sickness, Not a Sin
The Chemical Imbalance Delusion
The Truth About ADHD
Blog | drberger (drdanielberger.com)
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Episode #8 Show Notes
Hosts: Jinda Reinig, Kimberly Willess, and Warren Lamb
Guests: Tanya Flores & Tricia Lewis of Reproductive Loss Network
Topic: Equipping the Church to Address Reproductive Loss with Compassion and Grace
Summary: Tanya Flores and Tricia Lewis, co-founders of Reproductive Loss Network, discuss their ministry's mission to provide a biblical response and care for those impacted by reproductive loss. They explain that reproductive loss encompasses a wide range of experiences related to a person's reproductive health and decisions, including miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility, and abortion. The founders emphasize the need for churches to address reproductive loss from a biblical perspective and equip caregivers to provide support and comfort. They also highlight the importance of creating safe spaces for individuals to grieve and share their stories, as well as the need for ongoing support and care beyond the immediate aftermath of loss.
Key Takeaways:
Reproductive loss refers to the grief associated with a range of issues, including miscarriage, stillbirth, perinatal death, infertility, and abortion.
The church can play a crucial role in providing biblical care for those experiencing reproductive loss, but often lacks resources and training.
Secondary grief among caregivers is common, underscoring the need for proper self-care strategies.
Education is key; equipping caregivers with the language of grief and lament can open the door for healing and support.
Forming a solid understanding of one's reproductive story is essential in the healing process, as is embracing the concept of lament within a biblical context.
Notable Quotes:
"Reproductive loss is any experience of grief in a person's life related to their ability to have children."
"93% said they wouldn't discuss their abortion decision with anyone at church at all."
Psalm 139:23-24
Ecclesiastes 7:2
Reproductive Loss Network (RLN)
RLN Training
Resource List
The Soul Care Podcast
On The Soul Care Podcast, we explore the principles and practices of biblical soul care and how they can transform our lives.
In each episode of The Soul Care Podcast, we offer interviews with authors, ministry leaders, and seasoned biblical counselors on a wide range of topics.
Each episode explores a specific problem from a biblical perspective and provides gospel-centered comfort and counsel to those navigating the issue at hand. We dive into a topic related to biblical soul care, and we talk about some of the common challenges we face as humans and how we can overcome them with God’s grace and truth.
We will also share stories of hope and encouragement from people who have experienced the power of biblical soul care in their own lives.
Whether you are troubled or in trouble, this podcast is for you. We want to help you find peace, joy, and freedom in Christ through His love, kindness, and grace.